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Paisaje durante el Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno

Gómez-Orellana, L., Ramil-Rego, P & Martínez Sánchez, S. (2001). Modificaciones del paisaje durante el Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno en los territorios litorales atlánticos del NW Ibérico. Estudos do Quaternário Nº 4. p 18.
The palaeobotanical, climatic reflection and chronological information obtained in the different limnic deposits of different sources in the actual Atlantic margin between N Portugal and S Galicia, allow us to ascertain the plant landscape changes of this coastal region and to evaluate the existing land/sea correlation with the global climatic events that happened at that time in SW Europe. The beginning of the sequence corresponds to the Würm Interstadial (lsotopic Stadial 3) during which there was a development of tree formalions in the eoastal area. The further deterioration of the weather quality is represented by the establishment of shrub formations in the Würm Final Stadial, this dynamic lasts until early actual interglacial age and corresponds chronologically and ecologically with other regional sequences in other areas of NW Iberia. The Flandrian trasgression caused big modifications in the coastal area of NW Iberian Peninsula; as a consequence the limnic deposits, formed during Late Pleistocene and/or at Early-Holocene in inner areas far away frol11 the coast, were progressively approach to adjacent outer lands and finally arrived close to the coast 01'.

Authors: Gómez-Orellana, L., Ramil-Rego, P & Martínez Sánchez, S.
Title: Modificaciones del paisaje durante el Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno en los territorios litorales atlánticos del
NW Ibérico.
Year: 2001.

Edited: Asociación Portuguesa para o Estudo do Quaternário.

ISSN: 0874-0801.
Depósito Legal: 120 087/98

Paisaje durante el Pleistoceno Superior-Holoceno
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