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Politicas Ambientales
Annual report 2008 and Environmental statement 2009
Informing. Interpreting. Empowering. EEA Strategy 2009–2013.
Effectiveness evaluation of the EEA, 2008
Annual report 2007 and Environmental statement 2008.
Nature and wildlife.
Exploring europe's environment. Teachers' notes.
Environment and health.
Agriculture and environment in EU-15. The IRENA indicator report.
Environmental indicator report 2012.
Environmental indicator report 2012 - Part 3. Reflections
Environmental indicator report 2012 - Part 2. Thematic indicator-based assessments.
Circles of Discovery.
It's beautiful!
Annual report 2012 and Environmental statement 2013
Global governance — the rise of non-state actors.
Europe's environment. An Assessment of Assessments.
Septième Conférence ministérielle: Un environnement pour l’Europe.
Environmental trends and perspectives in the Western Balkans
The territorial dimension of environmental sustainability
The european environment state and outlook 2010.
Land in Europe: prices, taxes and use patterns.
Using the market for cost-effective environmental policy. Market-based instruments in Europe.
Europe’s environment: the third assessment [Dobris-3]
Annual report 2002. EEA
Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century.
A new model of environmental Communication for Europe from consumption to use of information.
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