Instructions to authors - english

Recursos Rurais
Revista do Instituto de Biodiversidade
Agraria e Desenvolvemento Rural (IBADER)

Selection process and manuscript evaluation
The articles, reviews and notes must be original, and will be previously evaluated by the Editorial Board and the Scientific Advisory Committee. Manuscripts submitted to Recursos Rurais will be subject to confidential review by two experts appointed by the Editorial Committee, which may also consider choosing reviewers suggested by the author. In cases of dispute the intervention of a third evaluator will be required. Finally, it is for the Editorial Committee’s decision on acceptance of work. In cases in which the reviewers suggest modifications to the submitted text, it will be the responsibility of the Editorial Team to inform the authors of the suggested modifications and to oversee the revision process. In cases in which the submitted manuscript is not accepted for publication, it will be returned to the authors together with the reviewers’ comments. Please note that any manuscript that does not adhere strictly to the instructions detailed in what follows will be returned to the authors for correction before being sent out for review.
In compliance with the provisions of our ethics guidelines and in order to guarantee the originality of the manuscripts, Rurais Resources will apply specific anti-plagiarism software (iThenticate) to each of the works that are to be submitted to the prior review process. Any manuscript that does not exceed the anti-plagiarism software will be rejected for publication in this journal and sent back to its authors.
Instructions to authors
Editorial procedure
Recursos Rurais will consider for publication original research articles, notes and reviews relating to research and technological developments in the area of sustainable development of natural resources in the rural and conservation areas contexts, in the fields of conservation, biodiversity and environmental management, management of agricultural, livestock and forestry production systems, and land-use planning.
Manuscript preparation
General remarks
Articles may be submitted in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, French or English.
Manuscripts should be typed on A4 paper. All pages should be numbered (though references to page numbers should not be included in the text). The manuscript should be written with Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible program, on one side of each sheet, with double line-spacing, 2.5 cm margins on the left and right sides, Arial font or similar, and font size 11. Neither tabs nor indents should be used, in either the text or the references list. Paragraphs should not be separated by blank lines.
Species and genus names should be written in italics. Genus names may be abbreviated (e.g. Q. robur for Quercus robur), but must be written in full at first mention. SI (Système International) units should be used. Technical nomenclatures and style should follow the most recent edition of the CSE (Council of Science Editors) Style manual (
Title page
The title page should include a concise and informative title (in the language of the text and in English), the name(s) of the author(s), the institutional affiliation and address of each author, and the e-mail address, telephone number, fax number, and postal address of the author for correspondence.
Reference to the ORCID identification number of the authors will be included, if available.
Authorship of works: In multiple authorship works, the responsible author must be identified, who will also be the contact author. It is the responsibility of the responsible author to guarantee the recognition of all the authors who share the responsibility of the work and to ensure that all know and approved the final version of the document.
The names of the authors must appear in alphabetical order by the first surname in case they all contributed in the same way in the work. If the contribution of each author is different, it is recommended to include it in a note using the conventional CRediT terminology (
Each article should be preceded by an abstract of no more than 200 words, summarizing the most important results and conclusions. In the case of articles not written in English, the authors should supply two abstracts, one in the language of the text, the other in English.
Key words
Five key words, not included in the title, should be listed after the Abstract. In the case of articles not written in English, the authors should supply the key words in the language of the text, and in English.
Article structure
This should where possible be as follows: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements, References. Section headings should be written in bold with font size 12. If subsection headings are required, these should be written in italics with font size 11, and should not be numbered.
This section should briefly review the relevant literature and clearly state the aims of the study.
Material and Methods
This section should be brief, but should provide sufficient information to allow replication of the study’s procedures.
Results and Discussion
This section should present the results obtained as clearly and concisely as possible, where appropriate in the form of tables and/or figures. Very large tables should be avoided. Data in tables should not repeat data in figures, and vice versa. The discussion should consist of interpretation of the results and of their significance in relation to previous studies. A short conclusion subsection may be included if the authors consider this helpful.
These should be as brief as possible. Grants and other funding should be recognized. The names of funding organizations should be written in full.
The references list should include only articles that are cited in the text, and which have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications should be mentioned only in the text. The citation in the text should include both author and year. In the references list, articles should be ordered alphabetically by first author’s name, then by date.
Examples of citation in the text:
Similar results have been obtained previously (Fernández 2005a, b; Rodrigo et al. 1992).
Andrade (1949) reported that...
According to Mario & Tineti (1989), the principal factors are...
Moore et al. (1991) suggest that...
Examples of listings in References:
The DOI identifier must be included in the articles that have it. This will be located at the end:
Allen, J. R. M., Huntley, B. & Watts, W. A. (1996). The vegetation and climate of northwest Iberia over the last 14000 yr. Journal of Quaternary Science 11: 125-147.<125::AID-JQS232>3.0.CO;2-U.

Journal article:
Mahaney, W.M.M., Wardrop, D.H. & Brooks, P. (2005). Impacts of sedimentation
and nitrogen enrichment on wetland plant community development. Plant Ecology 175(2): 227-243.

Book chapter:
Campbell, J.G. (1981). The use of Landsat MSS data for ecological mapping. In: Campbell J.G. (Ed.) Matching Remote Sensing Technologies and Their Applications: 25-50. Remote Sensing Society. London.
Lowel, E.M. & Nelson, J. (2003). Structure and morphology of Grasses. In: R.F. Barnes, H.K Brok & L.M. Hugs (Eds.). Forrages. An introduction to grassland agriculture: 25-50. Iowa State University Press. Vol. 1.
Complete book:
Jensen, W. (1996). Remote Sensing of the Environment: An Erath Resource Perspective. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Saddle River, New Jersey.
Standard series:
Tutin, T.G. et al. (1964-80). Flora Europaea, Vol. 1 (1964); Vol. 2 (1968); Vol. 3 (1972); Vol. 4 (1976); Vol. 5 (1980). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
Institutional publications:
MAPYA (2000). Anuario de estadística agraria. Servicio de Publicaciones del MAPYA (Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación), Madrid, Spain.
Legislative documents:
BOE (2004). Real Decreto 1310/2004, de 15 de enero, que modifica la Ley de aprovechamiento de residuos ganderos. BOE (Boletín Oficial del Estado), no. 8, 15/104, Madrid, Spain.
Electronic publications:
Collins, D.C. (2005). Scientific style and format. Available at: [5 January 2005]
Articles not published but accepted for publication:
Such articles should be listed in References with the name of the journal and other details, but with “in press” in place of the year of publication.
Figures and tables
All figures (data plots and graphs, photographs, diagrams, etc.) and all tables should be cited in the text, and should be numbered consecutively. The captions of tables and figures must be submitted in the original language of the article and in English.
Figure quality. Please send high-quality copies. Line thickness in the publication-size figure should be no less than 0.2 mm. In the case of greyscale figures, please ensure that the different tones are clearly distinguishable. Labels and other text should be clearly legible. Scale should be indicated by scale bars. Maps should always include indication of North, and of latitude and longitude. Colour figures can be published.
Figure size
Figures should be no more than 17.5 cm in width, or no more than 8.5 cm in width if intended to fit in a single column. Length should be no more than 23 cm. When designing figures, please take into account the eventual publication size, and avoid excessively white space.
Figure and table legends
All figures and tables require a legend. The legend should be a brief statement of the content of the figure or table, sufficient for comprehension without consultation of the text. All abbreviations used in the figure or table should be defined in the legend. In the case of articles not written in English, the authors should supply two legends, one in the language of the text, the other in English. In the submitted manuscript, the legends should be placed at the end of the text, after the references list.
Preparing the manuscript for submission
The text should be submitted as a text file in Microsoft Word ®.or a Word-compatible format.
Tables and figures
Each table and each figure should be submitted as a separate file, with the file name including the name of the table or figure (e.g. Table-1.DOC). The preferred format for data plots and graphs is EPS for vector graphics (though all EPS files must include a TIFF preview), and TIFF for greyscale figures and photographs (minimum resolution 300 dpi). If graphics files are submitted in the format of the original program (Excel, CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, etc.), please ensure that you also include all fonts used. The figure or table legend should not be included in the file containing the figure or table itself; rather, the legends should be included (and clearly numbered) in the text file, as noted above. Scanned line drawings should meet the following requirements: line or bit-map scan (not greyscale scan), minimum resolution 800 dpi, recommended resolution 1200 - 1600 dpi. Scanned halftone drawings and photographs should meet the following requirements: greyscale scan, minimum resolution 300 dpi, recommended resolution 600 - 1200 dpi.
Manuscript submission
As noted above, the text and each figure and table should be submitted as separate files, with names indicating content (e.g. manuscript.DOC, Table-1.DOC, Fig-1.EPS). File names should not exceed 8 characters, and must not include accents or special characters. In all cases the program used to create the file must be clearly identifiable.
Digital submit:
Please submit a digital copy of the files properly prepared to the e-mail address:
Or through the portal

Send: a cover letter with author details (including e-mail address), the text document with the manuscript, the corresponding files of tables and figures and a proposal of, at least, two evaluators for the review of the work.
Conventional sending:
Send a) the original and two copies of the manuscript, b) copies of the corresponding files on CD-ROM or DVD for Windows, and c) a cover letter with author details (including e-mail address), to the following address:
Editorial Board of Recursos Rurais,
Universidade de Santiago,
Campus Terra s/n,
E-27002 Lugo,
By publishing in Rural Resources, the author assigns all the exploitation rights of his article to Recuros Rurais (IBADER-USC), which, with the conditions and limitations laid down by the intellectual property legislation, is the copyright holder.
Editorial Board, January 2021