Land Degradation And Rehabilitation In Mediterranean Environments - LANDCARE
The Permanent course "Best Practices on Land Degradation and Restoration in Mediterranean Environments" is one of the main outputs of the LANDCARE project. This is an online open course containing classes, different teaching materials and educative resources on the topics of the project: degradation and rehabilitation after wildifres, soil contamination rehabilitation, degradation and rehabilitation of freshwater wetlands and coastal areas, rural development and employability.
You can attend the course following the Instructions below.

STEP 1.Visit the course website at:

Figure 1: Main Structure of the Course that is located at
STEP 2. There is no registration required to access the platform. The main tools that are available for unregistered users are:
  • Course Description
  • Agenda
  • Documents
  • Links
  • Announcements
  • Videoconference
STEP 3. The course material is located in the Documents Section. The Material is organized by thematic Category and each Thematic Category includes Textbooks, Study Questions, examples of good practices and Videos.
Click on the icon to access the Documents and from there you can browse the material that is available for each Thematic Category.


Figure 2: Structure of the Documents Section that includes the course’s material
STEP 4. To go back to the main Course Structure you can press the     icon, or the name of the course. From there you can continue browsing in another tool or category by repeating Step 2. You can also go to the previous screen be pressing the “go back” button:


Figure 3: Go back button.

You can also download here the same instructions