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Da Granxa á Mesa

MEDIO RURAL: Estratexia “Da Granxa á Mesa”

A estratexia da Comisión “Da Granxa á Mesa” (Farm to Fork strategy) ten por obxecto axudar á UE para lograr a neutralidade climática de aquí a 2050, transformando o actual sistema alimentario da UE nun modelo sostible [Enlace-EC]. Xunto coa seguridade alimentaria e a inocuidade dos alimentos, os principais obxectivos da Estratexia son:
1.- Garantir suficientes alimentos, e que sexan alcanzables e nutritivos, sen superar os límites do planeta;
2.- Apoiar unha produción alimentaria sostible;
3.- Promover un consumo de alimentos e unhas dietas saudables máis sostibles.

En outubro de 2020, o Consello adoptou unhas Conclusións sobre a Estratexia, nas que referendaba o obxectivo de desenvolver un sistema alimentario europeo sostible, desde a produción ata o consumo. O sistema alimentario sostible está no centro do Pacto Verde Europeo.
  • Comunicación de la Comisión al Parlamento Europeo, al Consejo, al Comité Económico y Social Europeo y al Comité de las Regiones: Estrategia “de la granja a la mesa” para un sistema alimentario justo, saludable y respetuoso con el medio ambiente. COM/2020/381 final. Bruselas: 20/05/2020. [Eur-Lex]
  • European Union (2020). Farm to Fork Strategy. Brussels: European Union. [Enlace-UE].
  • European Commission. COM(2020) 204 final Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council. On the experience gained by Member States on the implementation of national targets established in their National Action Plans and on progress in the implementation of Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustainable use of pesticides. Brussels, 20/05/2020. [Enlace-UE]
  • European Commission (2020). Anex to the report from the Commission to the European Parliament and to the Council on the experience gained by the Member States on the implementation of national targets established in their National Action Plans and on progress in the implementation of Directive 2009/128/EC on the sustaibable use of pesticides. COM(2020) 204 final. Brussels, 20/05/2020. [Enlace-UE]
  • European Commission (2020). Informe de la Comisión al Parlamento Europeo y al Consejo: Evaluación del Reglamento (CE) 1107/2009 relativo a la comercialización de productos fitosanitarios y del Reglamento (CE) n.º 396/2005 relativo a los límites máximos de residuos de plaguicidas. COM/2020/208 final. Brussels: 20/05/2020. [Eur-Lex]
  • European Commission (2020). Commission staff working document sccompanying the document Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council evaluation of regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 on the placing of plant protection products on the market and of Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides. SWD/2020/87 final. Brussel. 20/05/2020. [Eur-Lex]
  • Report from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council regarding the use of additional forms of expression and presentation of the nutrition declaration. COM(2020) 207 final. Brussels, 20/05/2020. [Enlace-UE]

Na estratexia "Da granxa á mesa" do Pacto Verde, fíxase o obxectivo de que “polo menos o 25% das terras agrícolas da UE dedíquense á agricultura ecolóxica e un aumento significativo da acuicultura ecolóxica de aquí a 2030”. A Comisión estableceu un plan de acción ecolóxico integral para a Unión Europea. A través del, a Comisión tentará alcanzar o obxectivo do Pacto Verde Europeo de que o 25% das terras agrícolas destínanse á agricultura ecolóxica de aquí a 2030.
  • Comunicación de la Comisión al Parlamento Europeo, al Consejo, al Comité Económico y Social Europeo y al Comité de las Regiones sobre el plan de acción para el desarrollo de la producción ecológica. Com/2021/141 final/2 [Documento 52021DC0141R (01)]. Bruselas: 19/04/2021.[Eur-Lex]
  • Commission staff working document evaluation of the Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods with regard to nutrient profiles and health claims made on plants and their preparations and of the general regulatory framework for their use in foods. [SWD(2020) 95 final. PART 1/2]. Brussels, 20/05/2020. [Enlace-UE].
  • Commission staff working document evaluation of the Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods with regard to nutrient profiles and health claims made on plants and their preparations and of the general regulatory framework for their use in foods. [SWD(2020) 95 final. PART 2/2]. Brussels, 20/05/2020. [Enlace-UE].
  • Commission staff working document executive summary of the evaluation of the Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods with regard to nutrient profiles and health claims made on plants and their preparations and of the general regulatory framework for their use in foods. [SWD(2020) 96 final]. Brussels, 20/05/2020. [Enlace-UE].
  • Commission staff working document Analysis of links between CAP Reform and Green Deal. SWD(2020) 93 final. Brussels, 20/05/2020. [Enlace-UE]