1.- Bibliotecas Dixitais
United Nations Digital Library System UN-DLS: | [UN-DLS] |
UNESCO biblioteca digital | [UNESCO Digital Library] |
Publications Office of the European Union | [UE-POEU] |
Catalogue Eureka – Council of the European Union | [Eureka] |
Library Guides - Council of the European Union | [COUEU-LG] |
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Gallica: Bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. | [Gallica] |
Biblioteca Digital Nacional de Portugal. | [BNP] |
British Library Digital Collections (London, UK). | [BLDC-1]. [BLDC-2] |
Library of congress. Digital collections (USA). | [USA-LCDG] |
Biblioteca Dixital Hispánica (Biblioteca Nacional de España). | [BNE-BDH] |
Repositorio Digital del CSIC – Ciencia Abierta | [Digital-CSIC] |
Biblioteca Digital – Jardin Botánico de Madrid (CSIC) | [CSIC-RJBM] |
Biblioteca Digital de la Comunidad de Madrid | [BD-CMadrid] |
Biblioteca Digital de Euskadi | [BD-Euskadi] |
Biblioteca Digital de Cataluña | [BD-Cataluña] |
Biblioteca Digital de Galicia | [BD-Galicia] |
Rede de Bibliotecas Públicas de Galicia | [RB-Galicia] |
Biblioteca da Universidade de Santiago | [USC-Biblio] |
Biblioteca da Universidade de Santiago - Iacobus | [USC-Iacobus] |
Biblioteca da Universidade de Santiago - Minerva | [USC-Minerva] |
Portal da Investigación – USC | [USC-Investiga] |
Campus Terra – USC, Lugo | [USC-Terra] |
Biblioteca Digital – Real Academia Española | [BD-RAE] |
HathiTrust Digital Library | [HTDL] |
World Library Foundation | [World-LF] |
World Digital Library (WDL): UNESCO & US Library of Congress. | [World-DL] |
2.- Repositorios de disposicións e normativas
Organización de Nacións Unidas - Tratados Internacionais | [UN-TS] |
Diario Oficial da Unión Europea (DOUE) - EUR-lex | [EUR-Lex] |
Boletín oficial del Estado (BOE) | [BOE] |
Diario Oficial de Galicia (DOG) | [DOG] |
Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Lugo | [DP-LU] |
Boletín Oficial del Principado de Asturias | [BOPA] |
Boletín Oficial de Castilla y León | [BOCYLE] |
Diario da República, Portugal | [Republica] |
Plataforma Galega de Información Ambiental (GAIA) | [P-GAIA] |
Dereito Galego Consolidado – Lex GAL | [Lex-GAL] |
Biblioteca – Parlamento de Galicia | [Parlamento-Gz] |
3.- Repositorios de información científico-técnicas
Internet Archive: Digital Library (San Francisco, USA) | [Internet-Archive] |
Open Library (California, USA) | [Open Library] |
The Biodiversity Heritage Library, BHL | [Biodiversity] |
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UNESCO biblioteca digital | [UNESCO Digital Library] |
World Heritage Convention | [UN-WHC] |
Man and Biosphere Programm (M&B) | [UN-MAB] |
Publications - FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). | [UN-FA] |
Global Biodiversity Information Facility | [GBIF] |
Integrated Taxonomic Information System, ITIS | [ITIS] |
World Flora Online | [WFO] |
Angiosperm Phylogeny Website | [APWEB] |
European Environmental Agency (EEA) | [EU-EEA] |
EIONET - Art-17 | [EU-EIONET-A17] |
Biodiversity Information System for Europe (BISE) | [EU-BISE] |
Natura 2000 - Viewer | [EU-N2000-Viewer] |
Natura 2000 – Expert Viewer | [EU-N2000-Expert] |
EIONET - Article 17 web tool | |
Biogeographical assessments at EU level: Species | [EIONET-EUL-Sp] |
Biogeographical assessments at EU level: Habitats | [EIONET-EUL-Hb] |
Biogeographical assessments at Member State level: Species | [EIONET-STL-Sp] |
Biogeographical assessments at Member State level: Habitats | [EIONET-STL-Hb] |
Summary of assessments by group: Species | [EIONET-Summ-Sp] |
Summary of assessments by group: Habitats | [EIONET-Summ-Hb] |
Inventaire National du Patrimoine Naturel – INPN (France) | [FR-INPN] |
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec | [BANQ-QC] |
Publicaciones - Ministerio de Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico | [MITERED] |
DIALNET - Universidad de La Rioja | [DIALNET] |
Consello da Cultura Galega | [CCG] |
Publicaciones – Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación | [MAPAMA] |
Real Academia Española - Diccionario de la Lengua Española | [Dic-RAE] |
Diccionario Real Academia – Castellano – Histórico | [Dic-HLE] |
Real Academia Galega – Dicionario Galego | [Dic-Galego] |
Portal de Archivos Españoles (PARES) – Ministerio de Cultura | [PARES] |
Respuestas Generales del Catastro de Ensenada – PARES | [Ensenada] |
Science Direct [Elsewier] | [Science-Direct] |
Cambridge University Press, | [Cambridge UP] |
Oxford University Press | [Oxford UP] |
Routledge | [Routledge] |
Springer | [Springer] |
Elsevier | [Elsevier] |
Thomson Reuters | [Th-Reut] |
Blackwell | [Blackwell] |
De Gruyter | [De Gruyter] |
McGraw Hill | [McGraw Hill] |
Peter Lang | [Peter Lang] |